2020-2021 Hockley Heath Precept

The Parish Council of Hockley Heath, after careful consideration, has decided to increase the 2020-2021 precept by 5%. During the previous financial year of 2019-2020, the precept received was £56,480 and Solihull MBC has been informed to collect a precept of £59,303.48 (5% increase) for the forthcoming financial year. The precept rise will result in an annual increase of £3.64 for a band D property, or 7p per week. The Parish Council agreed the increase based upon the forecast of anticipated expenditure during the next financial year. The next financial year results in the removal of the support grant received from Solihull MBC along with anticipated increased grounds maintenance costs, Pavilion improvements and a fund to improve the village environment. Please contact the Clerk to Hockley Heath Parish Council at hhpc2009@hotmail.com if you have any further questions.