Dredging along the canal in December / January

Preparations are underway for a dredging project on the North Stratford Canal between Rotherham Oaks and Stratford Road Bridge. The work will include some bank protection, including to the rear of gardens off Spring lane. The relevant residents will be contacted direct in due course, but this is to let you know the general details:

The length of canal affected is 1.9km.

We anticipate removing about 1,200m3 of silt.

We will install approximate 900m of bank protection where the off-side bank is eroded and use the silt to backfill the bank protection.

The project is still subject to approval, but all being well, I anticipate starting either in Dec or early January.

I will update you on plans once they are confirmed.

If you have any specific queries regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Paul Fox

Project Manager

O7711 650418

01908 681281

DD 3881

The Stop House, Braunston, Northants, NN11 3AD

Superfast Broadband Update

The Parish Council have received the following from the co-ordinators of Superfast Broadband in the local area:

Hello Champions

Rollout Update

The rollout has been progressing well with 79 Cabinets that have already gone live and ready to accept orders for fibre broadband services! Cabinets continue to go live regularly so please do keep checking back on the rolling 12-month plan on our website for the most up-to-date information.


Please note that the map is updated on a monthly basis so it may be that some areas that are now live are not yet shown as such on the map. Therefore it is important to encourage residents to check the 12 month plan should they have a query about their current broadband upgrade status.

Procurement Update

As you are no doubt aware we continue to run through the procurement process for our additional block of money and we hope to have the areas defined for upgrade by Spring 2015. When we get to that stage these additional areas will be rolled into our NGA deployment map providing a complete picture of where the upgrades will go.

Getting the Word Out

Now that superfast broadband is available in some of your areas, it’s important to make sure that all residents can take advantage of its benefits and we need your help to do this.

There are a number of things you can do to help us make your local community aware of the superfast broadband that is now available and the many benefits it provides:

Distribute flyers to the properties that are most likely to benefit from the upgrade. We would provide you with flyers and a relevant address list. This is an important point, as some premises may be too far from the exchange to benefit from the upgrade at this stage, and we don’t want to build an unreasonable expectation.

Provide us with the details of your parish or village website and/or newsletter. By providing us with this information, we can contact the relevant people to ensure that even more people are informed of the new superfast broadband services available. Alternatively, the following link provides copy that can be used for parish and village websites, newsletters or flyers if you would like to provide them with this yourself:http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/downloads-resources/copy-to-use-on-your-own-website-newsletters-or-flyers

If you are able to collect flyers from your local council offices and/or have parish/village website or newsletter contact details, we would greatly appreciate you getting in touch.

We will also be getting in touch with each you individually where your local cabinet is ‘live’ over the coming days so do look out for the emails from us.

Other News

And finally after nearly 2 years based at Wedgnock House the project office has moved to a new building closer to Warwick town centre. We are now settled into our new home here at Saltisford Office Park but will continue to be contactable on the same email addresses and telephone numbers.

Thank you all again for all your support and please do get in touch should you have any queries.

Kind regards,

Gurprit Basran

CSW Broadband
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926738320
Email: broadband@cswbroadband.org.uk
CSW Broadband project – bringing faster broadband to your area




Active Ageing Games

Solihull Council are holding an Active Ageing Games day on Wednesday 10th September at North Solihull Sports Centre.  The day is free of charge and lets you try out a range of activitties including badminton, aqua workouts etc.  Please read the attached flyer for more details.

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Sports Development Training for you!

SMBC are offering a range of courses for those connected with sports in the community.  For more infromation please contact Sadie Walker, Sports Development and Facilities Officer,  Tel: (0121) 704 8079, Mob: 07717 320583.

Courses available include; How to deliver enaging session for young people (16th Sept 6.30pm – 9.30pm at Solihull Arts Complex – course is FREE!); Safeguarding and Protecting Children (24th Sept 6.30pm – 9.30pm at West Warwickshire Sports Club, Olton and costs £25); Sports First Aid (1st and 8th Dec, 6.30pm – 9.30pm at North Solihull Sports Centre – course is FREE!); Inclusive Coaching: Disability (13th Nov 6.30pm – 9.30pm at The Studio, Solihull Arts Complex and costs £25).


Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan – proposed modifications

The Parish Council have received a letter from SMBC to say that the planning inspector has concerns with the plan and so SMBC have published a schedule of Main Modifications. There is now a 6 week public consultation which ends 5pm on Wednesday 27th August 2014. These modifications are available to view at Solihull library or on line: http://www.solihull.gov.uk/ldf/gypsyandtraveller.

If you have any further questions concerning this, please contact policy and Spatial Planning on Tel: 0121 704 6394 or email: psp@solihull.gov.uk


Step into Solihull – Activities for Older Adults

Step into Solihull provides gentle exercise sessions for older adults.  There is no need to book – just turn up!  All sessions are suitable for beginners.  Sessions include Walking, Extend (gentle exercise to music), Tai Chi, Dance and Yoga.    Why not try The Dorridge Walk meeting at St George& St Theresa’s Church (various dates) or the more gentle Tai Chi at Solihull Arts Complex on Fridays 9am?  Whatever your ability, there is something for you.  For more information call the Solihull Active Team on 0121 704 8207.

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Stratford Canal Canoe Challenge event on 21st June 2014

We are pleased to announce that the Stratford Canal Canoe Challenge event will be held on Saturday 21st June 2014 starting from The Wharf Tavern, Hockley Heath at 2pm.  This is a family friendly canoe paddle along the Stratford Canal.  It will retrace the route taken in 1957 by two canoeists from the Stratford Canal Club which helped to save the canal from closure.

Everyone is welcome.  For more information please email Len Cresswell from the Canal and River Trust, on lrecresswell@btinternet.com


Street Light Replacement in Hockley Heath

The Parish Council have been advised that Solihull Council’s Street Lighting replacement programme is currently targeting Dorridge and Hockley Heath. This means that the Council’s street lighting team and its contractor Balfour Beatty will be on location over the coming weeks replacing certain street lights with new energy-efficient LED lanterns.

This programme has been initiated following a review of the Council’s street lighting practices and policies in 2012 which highlighted a need to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint as well as introduce cost-saving measures.

Should residents of your ward have any concerns, please ask them to contact us on 0121 704 8004 or email highwayservices@solihull.gov.uk.

For more information on the Street Lighting Replacement Programme, please visit http://www.solihull.gov.uk/Resident/Parking-travel-roads/street-lighting-replacement-programme.

If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact our Highway Engineer, Edward Bradford on 0121 704 6477.